St. Mary's logoSt. Mary's, Pilsley
A worshipping, missional community in the heart of the village

Special Events

Special Events:


Baptisms and Thanksgiving Services

The arrival of a new member of our family is always a cause of celebration. We at St Mary’s would be delighted to help you celebrate. If you have a lively Christian faith, then baptism, where we welcome your child into the family of God, would be a perfect service. If however, you are less certain of your faith and might struggle to make the more serious promises that the baptism service requires. then instead you might like to consider a Thanksgiving service. Here we celebrate the birth of your child through prayer and thanksgiving. Contact the Vicar if you would like to consider celebrating the birth of your child at St Mary’s.



We warmly welcome any couple who would like to get married in St Mary’s church. There are some restrictions but as long as you meet some basic legal requirements you will be able to marry in church. All the information that you need to know can be accessed on the Church of England website at Please contact the Vicar if you would like to discuss the possibility of getting married at St Mary’s. 


Home Communion

There are times in our lives when circumstances make it difficult or impossible to attend church in person. The Vicar is always happy to make a home visit and bring communion to anyone who is housebound. This is a special time, when prayers are said and friendship enjoyed. If you would like to receive communion in your home please do contact the Vicar.


Pastoral Visits

Sometimes life can become a little more challenging or even puzzling. The Vicar is always happy to visit anyone within the Parish, whether you are a churchgoer or not. Sometimes it just helps to have a listening ear and share a cup of tea with someone else. Please do contact the Vicar if you would like a visit – about anything!